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13 pro tips when practicing meditation

1. Learn to breathe

While it’s obvious we all breathe, many of us are not aware of how breathing affects us. To practice breathing is to expand your lungs. Learn that every inhale is a sign of life and every exhale is a relief. The best way to expand your lungs is to breathe in as much air as you can and hold it in for about 2-3 seconds. After release and when you release make sure every last bit of air leaves, then repeat. This is a pattern and the better you get at this the more aware you will be of even everyday things.

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2. Learn to detach

While we are very attached to our traumas, the world, and even ourselves, we also need to learn to try and see it from another point of view. To see things from a non biased approach. Hold yourself to a high standard but also learn to be curious, learn to start from scratch, to be fond and in awe when talking, trying out new things, making connections.